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Tuesday, 21 February 2012

We Need a Change

OK, here is the scenario, there has been a general election and no single party has achieved enough to take control and a coalition government is formed (sound familiar?).  It transpires that the Prime Minister of this coalition, despite all the re-assuring words and promises used before the election, is so sure of his own superiority, that he will do his utmost to destroy the country whilst pouting and saying it is for the best.  And, like a petulant child, he will ignore public opinion, experts, his coalition partners and his own government, digging his heels in and saying he is right - even when he is wrong!

Yes, you have guessed, I am talking about the Right Dishonourable David Ca-Moron.  We are stuck with him!  As it stands at the moment,  there are only two ways to get a government removed before its term is completed.

1.  Trust in MP's to do the honourable thing, you know, put the people of this country before their own self interest, and call a vote of no confidence themselves.  Probably not going to happen.

2.  Do the Guy Fawkes thing again.  I have to be honest though, the whole Tower of London, beheading issue does act as a fairly strong deterrent on this one.  So, probably not going to happen either.

There is a third option, but I discounted that as it involved foreign countries and invasion of the UK.  Mind you, with the state of the immigration control in this country, maybe I should reconsider this possibility!

And this is where the change is needed, the people of this country need to have provision within the law to force a vote of no confidence and get governments which are inept removed before they do too much damage.


  1. A good idea, but I do not think MP's will want to hand their future over to Joe Public.

    1. If enough people wanted this, would they have any choice? They are supposed to represent us!


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