This despicable Government are just too stupid to see that they have got thing wrong on a colossol scale. They made promises to get into power, and now they break those promises with impunity. Always harping on about how they have to make tough decisions, misrepresenting facts, using smoke screens and illusion to distract people so they do not know what is going on in reality.
For example, with the Welfare Reform Bill (which they forced through in an undemocratic manner), they focused the nations attention on people receiving benefits. Making them out to all be a scourge on our society, vile scum who abused the system. Now, I don't doubt there are people who are milking the system, there always has been, there always will be, but the vast majority are not. They bandied about the £26,000 benefit cap and made it appear that most benefit claimants were well above this, when in fact it was a very small minority, and only because their rentals were so high. The press had a field day, printing what they were told, accepting figures provided by the Government without wondering if they were true. And, with all this to distract the nation, the Welfare Reform Bill was passed. Now the things they did not want highlighted are coming to the attention of the nation. But it is too late, things like the changes to working tax credits that are going to place thousands of families in the position of being better off on benefits are now being implemented. The Government have had countless years to hone the skills of their propaganda machine, and all seems to be running smoothly.
Andrew Lansley has conducted a stage managed visit to a hospital, and the press were not invited. You can read more about it here:
Andrew Lansley faces fresh protests during visit to hospital as campaigners vow to 'fight to the end' over NHS reforms
Yet another Bill that is ill conceived and most definately not in the interest of the British public; but most assuredly is in the interest of the donors to the Conservative party. David Cameron harps on about having more transparency in Government and giving more power to the people. When they people try to access this transparency, such as with the risk register for the NHS reforms, they try to stop the people from being given the information. Could this be because their lies are going to be exposed? The truth behind their manipulation of the British public is going to come to light sooner or later, the more they try to hide it, the more mistrust they will breed and the more determined people will become to know the truth! Like the Doctor in the video below, eventually the truth will catch up with them, then they WILL have to answer the questions they so easily avoid for the present.
There is a whole raft of legislation they are trying to push through which disadvantages ordinary men, women and children (need I mention Legal Aid?). Some time soon, people will start dying as a direct result of this Government and their grand plans and I can all but guarantee they will not be the wealthy 1% or friends of the Conservative party, but ordinary people like you and me.
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