Ping Blog Paul's Point of View UK Paul's Point of View UK: How to Divide and Conquer - Maria Miller

Saturday, 10 March 2012

How to Divide and Conquer - Maria Miller

'The clear objective of the government is helping disabled people to live more independent lives', says Maria Miller.  These might be the public objectives, but the reality is different. 

Maria Miller has worked in marketing with the Grey Group, so it comes as no great surprise that she has a talent for media planning and manipulation. In her role as Minister for the Disabled she has used this expertise to build a support platform for the future.  The most current example of this involves DRUK.  Disability Rights UK (DRUK), made up from Disability Alliance, RADAR and the National Centre for Independent Living, looks set to become the new mouthpiece for Maria Miller and, in the process, a 'super charity' that no longer truly represents disabled people.  The case in point is Remploy, whose objective is to provide employment opportunities for disabled people.  On the face of it, this would appear the perfect example of how the Government is providing help for 'disabled people to live more independent lives', yet the funding for this project has been withdrawn.  The result is that factories have to close, disabled people no longer have employment and are being thrown on the scrap pile created by Government misrepresentation.  This has come about due to recomendations in a report written for the Government by Liz Sayce, formerly chief executive of RADAR and now chief executive of DRUK.  Maria Miller has been accused by campaigners of fuelling hate crime by using misleading figures and disparaging statements about benefits claimants, and now she is going hand in hand with DRUK, they have suddenly become extremely secretive.  Failing to provide a copy of Maria Millers speech when she recently spoke at DRUK's launch of its 'Guidance on Hate Crimes' seems, to me, to be overly suspicious - a public relations coup that has been passed up.  It seems that DRUK is following the example set by Maria Miller.  No doubt, at some point in the future, DRUK will be cited as a disabled charity that has been consulted and whole heartedly supports whatever policies Maria Miller cares to come up with.  She can now claim support where none exists, and we already know how good this Government is at massaging figures to suit there own ends, so the press are likely to be given the impression that ALL disabled people support the closure of Remploy factories when the opposite is true!

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