The Health and Social Care Bill Farce Continues
David Cameron is to convene a meeting of healthcare professionals on Monday to discuss the implementation of the Government's highly contentious NHS reforms. At Loughborough on 12th April 2010, David Cameron said:
"Real Change is when the whole country comes together and says that we are all in this together and we are going to achieve change together"
So, why is it that the healthcare professionals that are most critical of this bill are not going to be invited to this meeting? Well, the answer is simple, David Cameron only wants to invite 'yes' men to the table. It seems that we are going to achieve change together as long as we agree with David Cameron - expert opinion and public opinion are not included in this wonderful 'togetherness'!
At the same speech, David Cameron also stated that he would:
"put power in the hands of the people not politicians"
Well, the people are registering their objections but still the politicians do not listen. Nothing new there!
This bill represents a reorganisation of the NHS from the top down yet the Conservative - Liberal Democrat coalition agreements stated an intention to 'stop the top down reorganisations of the NHS that have got in the way of patient care'. Nice U-turn David!
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